Monday, February 25, 2013

Anger With Direction

Earlier today I set out to write about the fiction that is currency and the economies that we as people all imagine to be true and while doing so I became so frustrated and angered that I had to stop writing. I don’t believe my anger or frustration to be unjustified and I also don’t think I am alone in my emotions. However I do feel that I am writing from an interesting position in that I am one of the lucky individuals indebted to no one. Aside from my responsibility to my roommates for rent and utilities, I am free to do as I please with whatever money I have. But even then, I do not actually have any money, as a United States dollar bill represents nothing but the face value plus interest that the United States owes to the Federal Reserve, which is a private bank that loans money to our country. The bills in your purse or wallet are nothing but notes of debt that must be paid back to those private bankers, again with interest.  That is an important fact that I felt should be addressed before I continue, but it is just a portion of what is outraging me.  Now if the United States paid back every dollar borrowed from the Federal Reserve, we as a country would still owe interest on that money. Now how can we pay that interest if we haven’t any money to pay with? It’s simple; we can’t, at least not in the traditional sense of paying debts with currency. For the sake of brevity I’ll suggest a book for anyone interested in learning more about the tactics of trapping nations in debt. It is called Confessions of an Economic Hitman by John Perkins. Now this book is about how the United States has been able to spread its empire across the globe but it has become apparent to me that the same playbook could be used on our own nation from the world’s banking elite. If visuals are more your thing you can find some videos on the subject matter here.

But I digress. After Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve act in 1913 he was quoted saying,

I am a most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world. No longer a government by free opinion, no longer a government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.”

You see, it is these private banks that we along with England, the Eurosystem, Australia, China, and Russia, to name a few, are indebted to. And since our world’s current culture revolves around money, these bankers are the ones pulling the strings, whether you realize it or not. Recent world events should make it easier to see this, but still many people are unaware. So as an example I’d like to turn to the case of HSBC, the world’s third largest bank. They were recently caught laundering hundreds of millions of dollars for Mexican drug cartels and allowing and aiding in hundreds of millions of dollars in transfers from countries like Iran which are currently under international sanctions. Now this company only faced a small fine of $2 billion (in 2011 the company made $16.8 billion in net profits). And you would be right to expect some federal prosecution against those responsible, if we truly lived in a just society, but as it turns out, the Obama administration sought no such action. As a matter of fact they said the offenders CAN NOT be prosecuted, because any shake up in leadership at such a large bank might harm the global economy and that is something we simply can not afford. That is to say, the people running this bank, regardless of their illegal & immoral actions, are simply too important to face any criminal charges, even though they are directly supporting terrorism. Terrorism, Doug? Really? Yes, really. Between 2006 and 2010 more than 34,000 people had been killed in Mexico as a direct result of the drug war. HSBC is complicit in every single one of those deaths and yet they are just simply too important to our fragile economy, and our economy is just simply more important than any human life. After all, if we valued innocent lives the same way we value resources and assets there would be federal prisons loaded with CEO’s and top government officials instead of impoverished minorities caught up in the struggles of everyday life. Personally I’d like to see all those rotten “elite” motherfuckers hanging from every tree branch in Washington D.C. but I’m not holding my breath.

Thursday, February 14, 2013

How Low Can You Go?

I prematurely ejaculate sometimes, it’s not a big deal, every guy does it from time to time. At least that’s what all us guys have agreed upon, whether or not that’s actually true, it doesn't even matter. It gives us that safety net just in case we need it. “Ugh I’m sorry girl, we all do it sometimes.” Then we’ve got to say something smooth or they may think we’re still chumps. But we don’t really care, because we also agreed that the female orgasm is a myth, so what’s it matter? More troubling though, I think I’m a premature masturbator. It’s not like I beat off in a line for coffee because I can’t wait to get home.  I just started jerking off at a young age, before I even knew what I was feeling, it wasn’t sexual. It just felt great. The first time I realized I could do it while looking at stuff I was holding a Bull Moose bag with that single exposed titty on it. Just one titty and fourteen heads. It may have crossed some wires. I find Michelangelo drawings erotic. Da Vinci’s Vitruvian Man, oh man, I want to meet him. I would say I feel more horny than hungry at any given time of the day. Too bad my biggest fear in life is having a surprise baby. You can imagine how stressed out I get. I have nothing to warrant having a kid right now. This isn’t about my commitment issues, I just having nothing to offer them. The job of a dad is to teach their kids how to survive and get by in the world and right now I’m skating on thin ice myself. I started stockpiling ramen and dry beans just a week ago. I can’t fix a sink. I can’t repair a car engine. What the fuck? I could call a professional, that would be fine, if I understood the proper value of things. But I don’t. I’m terrible with value. I went to a taping of The Price is Right once and they didn’t even give me a name tag. A few years ago I sold my truck. It couldn’t get a sticker and it wasn’t worth the repairs so I found a guy on craigslist to buy it for scrap metal. He came over a little later and we shot the shit for a few minutes and then he asked me how much I wanted for the truck? Now I didn’t know he had just made the first move in the bartering process. I thought we were just two guys talking, so I said,“ Honestly,”which is not how you want to start your opening bid,“Honestly, I’d like to get three hundred for it.”And that was true, I did want to get three hundred for it, but he shouldn’t have known that. I had undercut myself.  So he quickly says, “I’ll give you two hundred.” And I said “SOLD.” It was the quickest deal ever made. And now, come to think of it, that truck was probably worth repairing. How is a guy like me supposed to succeed as a dad?. Yeah right. I’m so paranoid about it I don’t allow the word “baby” during dirty talk anymore. I can’t let that word hang out there in the ether, for the universe to misinterpret like a mischievous  genie, telling me I should have been more careful with my words.
“Universe, I was having sex. I was just saying , “yeah baby,” like baby as a term of endearment.  I didn’t say I wanted a child.”

 “Well Douglas, you were doing the one thing that creates a baby, and you were saying, “yeah baby,” so here is your baby. Don’t fuck this one.”

That would be a funny television show. The Universe and I share an apartment together. It’s always being a smartass but helping me learn about myself. I would watch that. Would you? Just something new to think about.

Friday, February 8, 2013

I'm Bringing Skeptic Back

I'd like to start here with a quote from Walter Lippmann,

 "When the first six people we meet agree with us, it is not easy to remember that they may all have read the same newspaper at breakfast." -Public Opinion-1922

Here's the thing, how do you know what you know? Think about that again before you continue reading. How do you know what you know? Are they your actual thoughts and findings, or are they the findings of somebody else? Perhaps they come from your teachers or textbooks. Maybe they come from the television, newspapers or magazines you're reading. Or even more so the music, radio DJs or clergy to whom you listen. And from where did all of those mediums get their information? How do they know what they know?

The information we take in is hardly first hand knowledge. It's all second, third, fourth hand etc... information. The kind of stuff we're just supposed to trust/believe to be true. And unless you're willing to start over from scratch and eliminate your entire base of knowledge then to a certain degree you've got to trust what you're told. This I wholeheartedly believe. We've got to work together if we're going to figure this place out and grow, because we, as individuals, simply do not have enough time to study the entirety of existence. I don't know about you, but my math skills are a bit rusty for me to take on Particle Physics right now, or anytime in the near future. So if I want to know more about the relationship between energy becoming matter and the Higgs Boson particle, I'm going to have to put my trust in the people at CERN. There are just some things (a lot of them, really) that we've got to trust, but that is certainly not everything

I'm not sure where or when it happened but the word skeptic was taken away from us and transformed into a word with a completely opposite definition. Well okay, the definition hasn't changed, but the way in which the word skeptic is used has. The word skeptic can be defined as a person inclined to question or doubt all accepted opinions, or, one who instinctively or habitually doubts, questions, or disagrees with assertions or generally accepted conclusions. Yet when it comes to modern day skeptics, they are just the opposite! Modern skeptics are those people who believe generally accepted conclusions and disbelieve ideas that may be to the contrary! They are no longer questioning the questionable, they question only the ideas that, as of yet, can not be proven or disproved. It's not hard to find UFO, Big Foot, or New World Order skeptics, in the modern sense of the word, because there is a greater population of the world that does not believe these things to exist. But that, by definition, is not skepticism. There is not one shred of evidence to definitively prove or disprove the existence of any of those. So when someone claims to be a UFO skeptic, they are saying they do not believe in them without having anything to back up their stance, because at this point, none exists. And as I've already stated, that is not skepticism.

So I'm bringing skeptic back. More so than that, I'm taking it back. Because I, as a naturally inquisitive and scientific person, am a true skeptic. The day to day information that we are asked/told/made to accept by corporate media, government officials, organized religion, academia & the scientific community (and I'm talking about the scientific community which is afraid to step out of the box and test new theories which could expand our understanding of the universe but do not do so out of fear of ridicule and loss of funding. That is not science at all, it is politics) is entirely questionable. To sit and accept the things we are told and not question its sources or methods with which they were discovered is both dangerous and lazy. It's easy to play it safe and go with the flow, but you have no idea what is actually true or untrue. At that point you are no longer living your life, you are living a life which is given to you, no, a life that is assigned to you. If you're following the narrative of the day you are doing just that, following. So question everything! Question it all! After all, how do you know what you know? And that's your newest thought.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

“It's funny how the colors of the real world only seem really real when you watch them on a screen.”

Sometimes when I’m walking around town I get the feeling that everything around me is a prop. Like I’m on a movie set at Universal Studios. I expect to open up any of the newspaper dispensers and pull out a copy of the Gotham Gazette or see one of these guys                            
encouraging the performance artists. It happens at home too. I’ll pick up a box of cereal and it’ll be empty and I’ll be like “I knew I was on the Truman Show! That explains my doctor asking me to sign all those papers the other day, should’ve read the fine print.”Instead of, I possibly ate it all and forgot to recycle the box. I have my good days. But today I’ve been thinking about an idea called Simulation Theory. Basically it’s a theory that states we all exist within a computer simulation. And believe it or not there are some pretty compelling arguments for it. These are not them. These are mine, you decide; we’ve already created lives living within a simulated reality, which shows that it can, in fact, be done. Take the Sims. Sure the characters aren’t specifically cognizant but we are conscious of them and their lives and their world, so we are, in a way, an extension of them. And what is masonry if not Tetris with better music? Shit, on the job site you get to crank the Blimp or the Bone dude, not increasingly panic over time. But they're essentially the same thing.  Just one of my newest thoughts.